A State of Organizational Grace
by James Bailey | Jul 22, 2014
To be in a state of grace is to be absolved of sin. To repent is to be exonerated, and to atone is to be pardoned. To err is human, and to forgive is divine. It is the most revered sacrament because it encourages us to look forward, not backward. Odd start for a...Gimme Shelter: Soaked by Organizational Change
by James Bailey | May 30, 2014
A spring morning in Washington. Walking home from dropping my son at preschool—just two blocks from home—and it started to storm. Scattered clouds and high winds conspired to violently burst into rain and thunder. Waterfall-like sheets poured and shuddering booms...Subscribe to Lessons on Leadership
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Principles of Leadership, Part 2
Principles of Leadership, Part 3
Principles of Leadership, Part 4