by James Bailey and Andy Cohen | May 13, 2021
by James Bailey | Jan 31, 2021
by James Bailey | Jan 5, 2021
by James Bailey | Oct 5, 2020
by Paula David Laack and James Bailey | Jul 20, 2020
by James Bailey and Hillary Phillips | Feb 1, 2020
by James Bailey and Scherezade Rehman | Nov 8, 2019
by James Bailey and Jane Azzinaro | Oct 8, 2019
by James Bailey | Aug 8, 2019
by James Bailey | May 31, 2019
by James Bailey, Sarah Kellogg | May 1, 2019
by James Bailey and Jane Azzinaro | Apr 29, 2019
by James Bailey | Apr 18, 2019
by Bartholomew J. Timm and James Bailey | Apr 2, 2019
by James Bailey and Bartholomew J. Timm | Feb 17, 2019
To understand why the deal on the government shutdown and border security reached by Congress, and signed by the President, succeeded the second time, it’s a must to understand why it failed the first time. As Santayana extolls, “those that ignore history are destined...
by James Bailey | Jan 31, 2019
The World Economic Forum’s annual Davos gathering—the most celebrated of all the international policy conferences—is so coveted an invitation that it is on the bucket list of almost every industry executive and government leader with global ambitions. Who can blame...
by James Bailey and Hillary Phillips | Jan 17, 2019
Conventional wisdom would have it that university leaders as seen as more reformist that business leaders. The underlying logic is that universities are in the vanguard of social movements, whereas businesses favor the status-quo. Counter-intuitively, research shows...
by James Bailey | Jan 6, 2019
CEO’s have generally been a shy lot, not wanting to draw attention to themselves or their firms. Quarterly earnings reports were enough publicity. CEO’s were, traditionally, all about business. But that’s changed over the last few years. ...
by James Bailey | Dec 15, 2018
Make no mistake, Wall Street is conferencing, shareholders are whispering, users are wounded, and politicians are watching. By any reasonable standard in corporate America, Mark Zuckerberg, chairman and chief executive officer of Facebook, the company he founded with...
by James Bailey | Oct 24, 2018
The idea of a corporate executive turning into a politician and policymaker is gaining momentum. Starbucks’ Howard Shultz has teased his interest in running for president, following in the footsteps of entrepreneur/reality TV star Mark Cuban and celebrity media titan...
by James Bailey | Aug 3, 2018
The world tends toward continuums. Hot and cold have warm and cool along the way. Big and small have all manner of magnitude in the middle. Even black and white have hues between. Winter, spring, summer, and fall represent varying points along a gradual scale marking...
by James Bailey | Jul 14, 2018
Inevitably and rightly so, a New Year summons reflection. What happened, why it happened, and what can be done about it will be a prevalent theme. The focus is typically on specific events, as specific events allow for clear diagnoses, prognoses, and prescriptions....
by James Bailey and Sophia Lohrum | Jun 11, 2018
Aversion to failure may be rooted in what we’re taught as youngsters.
by James Bailey, Emily Volpe, Lucy Gamble | May 17, 2018
Frustrated by the young-ish workforce? The Millennials? They’re the future. The good news is that they want to do good and are willing to work hard.
by James Bailey, Lucy M. Gamble | Mar 27, 2018
Outdoor experiences are profound, but how can their impact be made your new normal? Here’s some sound and simple and sage advice.
by James Bailey | Feb 2, 2018
Advice on how to improve one’s self is everywhere. It accounts for about 2.5% of all book sales in the United States. Add in speeches, training programs, TV programs, online-products, coaches, yoga, and the like, self-help is a $10 billion industry per year, and...