Curriculum Vitae

Dr. James Bailey, PHD
Dr. James Bailey

Dr. James R. Bailey, PHD



Washington University, Interdisciplinary Program in Organizational Behavior, St. Louis, MO Ph. D., Psychology, 1991, Valedictorian [Advisors: Walter Nord, Richard deCharms, Jane Loevinger, Mike Strube] A. M., Organizational Behavior, 1988

Eastern Illinois University, College of Arts & Sciences, Charleston, IL B. A., Psychology, 1985, Cum Laude





School of Business, George Washington University, Washington, DC

Stacy and Jonathan Hochberg Fellow of Leadership Development, 2012-present

Avriam Tucker Professor of Leadership, 2006-2011

Professor, 2004-present Associate Professor, 1999-2004

Director, Executive Education, 2011-2013 Chair, Department of Management, 2008-2011

Director, Executive Education, 2006-2008


Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University, Washington, DC

Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Learning, 2003-present


London Business School, London, UK

Fellow, Center for Management Development; 2006-present Visiting Professor, 2003-2005


Faculty of Management, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ

Associate Dean, School of Management, 1997-1999

Assistant Professor, Department of Organization Management, 1991-1997

Associate Director, Teaching Excellence Center, 1994-1996

Associate Director, Graduate Program in Conflict Management, 1994-1996

Visiting/Distinguished Appointments William Davidson Institute for Executive Education, University of Michigan, 2003-2004

Institute for Management Development, Switzerland, 2002-2005

American College of Greece/Deree College, Athens, Greece, 2002-2005

Graduate School of Management, Adelaide University, Australia, 2000-2007

Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland, 1994-2005

Stern Graduate School of Business, New York University, New York, NY, 1995, 1998


Department of Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

Instructor/Senior Teaching Fellow, 1988-1991




Most Downloaded Article, Organization Management Journal, 2010

Outstanding Academic Title, American Librarian Association, 2008

Editor’s Choice Award, Organization Management Journal, 2008

Best Symposium Award, Academy of Management (MED Division), 2007

Most Promising New Management Book, European Academy of Management, 2006

Literati Club Award for Excellence, Literati Club, 1999

Citation for Excellence in Research, Anbar Management Intelligence, 1998

Nominated for the Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award, Best Paper in Journal of Management Education, 1998

Best Paper Award, Academy of Management (MED Division), 1994

Best Paper Award, Katz School of Business Program in Corporate Culture, University of Pittsburgh, 1993

Henry E. Rutgers Fellowship, Rutgers University, 1993

Henry E. Rutgers Fellowship, Rutgers University, 1992

Best Paper Award, American Psychological Association Centennial Celebration of William James, 1990



Nominee, Peter B. Vaill Outstanding Doctoral Faculty Award, George Washington University, 2002, 2006, 2008

School of Business Outstanding Faculty Award, George Washington University, 2007

Top Ten Executive Leadership Educators Worldwide (6th), International Council for Executive Leadership Development, 2006

EMBA Outstanding Faculty Award, George Washington University, 2005

BBA Outstanding Faculty Award, George Washington University, 2003

Who’s Who in Business Higher Education, 2003

Honor Roll of Educators in Management, Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, 1997

Honor Roll of Educators in Management, Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, 1996

Faculty Appreciation Award, Student Government Association, Rutgers University, 1996

David L. Bradford Outstanding Educator Award, Organizational Behavior Teaching Society and McGraw-Hill, 1995

Professor of the Year Award, Student Government Association, Rutgers University, 1995

Professor of the Year Award, Student Government Association, Rutgers University, 1994

Professor of the Year Award, Student Government Association, Rutgers University, 1993

Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Washington University, 1991



Outstanding Leadership & Service Distinction, Academy of Management, 2008

Faculty Academic Service Award, Rutgers University, 1993, 1996, 1997

Valedictorian, Graduate School of Arts & Science, Washington University, 1991

University Fellowship, Washington University, 1985-1986

Graduation with Distinction, Cum Laude, Eastern Illinois University, 1985

Donald A. Rothchild Scholarship, Eastern Illinois University, 1984

University Student Research Award, Eastern Illinois University, 1983, 1984




Clegg, S. R. & Bailey, J. R. (Eds.). (2007). International encyclopedia of organization studies, Volumes 1-4. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Outstanding Academic Title, American Librarian Association, 2008]

Kessler, E. & Bailey, J. R. (Eds.). (2007). Handbook of managerial and organizational wisdom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Most Promising New Management Book, European Academy of Management, 2006]



Bailey, J. R. & Eastman, W. N. (Eds.). (1996). Science and service in organizational scholarship [Special issue]. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 32, 350-464. [Contributors include Chris Argyris, Kenneth Gergen, Robert Hogan, & Walter Nord]


Journal Articles

Bailey, J. R. (2015).  Why leaders don’t brag about managing stress.  Harvard Business Review, February.

Bailey, J.R. (in press). Crossing the Rubricon. Journal of Management Education.

Raelin, J. D. & Bailey, J. R. (in press). And integrated model of individual reactions to organizational change: Terror Management and adjustment to loss. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Bailey, J.R. (2013). The iron case and the monkey’s paw: Isomorphism and the perils of a rising journal. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12, 108-114.

Seal, C. R., Sass, M., Bailey, J. R. & Lao-Troth, M. (2009). Integrating the emotional intelligence concept: The relationship between emotional ability and emotional competency. Organization Management Journal, 6, 204-214.

Bailey, J. R., Ford, C. M. & Raelin, J. D. (2009). Philosophical ties that bind practice: The case of creativity. Journal of Managerial Inquiry, 18, 27-38.

Seal, C., Bailey, J. R. & Boyatzis, R. (2007). Fostering emotional intelligence in organizations. Organization Management Journal, 3, 190-209. [Editor’s Choice Award, 2008; Most Downloaded Article, 2010]

Bailey, J. R., Sass, M., Swiercz, P., Seal, C. & Kayes, D. C. (2005). Teaching with and through teams: Student written, instructor facilitated case writing and the Signatory Code. Journal of Management Education, 29, 39-59.

Offerman, L., Bailey, J. R., Vasilopoulos, N. L., Seal, C. & Sass, M. (2004). The relative contribution of emotional competence and cognitive ability to individual and team performance. Human Performance, 17, 219-243.

Bailey, J. R. (2003). Walter Nord as intellectual and pedagogical hero. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2, 378-384.

Bailey, J. R. & Axelrod, R. (2001). Leadership lessons from Mount Rushmore: James MacGregor Burns. Leadership Quarterly, 12, 113-120.

Wiesenfeld, B.M., Brockner, J., Petzall, B., Wolf, R., & Bailey, J. (2001). Stress and coping among layoff survivors: A self-affirmation analysis. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal, 14, 15-34.

Kressel, K., Bailey, J. R. & Forman, S. (1999). Psychological consultation in higher education: Lessons from a university faculty development center. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 10, 51-82.

Christensen, E. W. & Bailey, J. R. (1998). Task performance using the library and Internet to acquire business intelligence. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 8, 290-302. [Award for Excellence, Literati Club, 1999]

Bailey, J. R. & Eastman, W. N. (1998). Mediation in moderation. Organization Science, 9, 250. Eastman, W. N. & Bailey, J. R. (1998). Reconciling the fact-value antinomy: Patterns in legal and managerial rhetoric, 1880-1980. Organization Science, 9, 232-245.

Bailey, J. R. (1997). Need for cognition and response mode in the active construction of an information domain. Journal of Economic Psychology, 18, 69-85.

Bailey, J. R., Chen, C., & Dou, S-G. (1997). Conceptions of the self and performance related feedback in Japan, China, and the U.S. Journal of International Business Studies, 28, 605-625.

Bailey, J. R., Langdana, F. K., Rotonda, P. D., & Ryan, J. C. (1997). A factor analytic study of teaching methods that influence retention among MBAs. Journal of Education for Business, 72, 297-302.

Bailey, J. R., Saparito, P., Kressel, K., Christensen, E. W., & Hooijberg, R. (1997). A Model for Reflective Pedagogy. Journal of Management Education, 21, 155-167. [Citation for Excellence in Research, Anbar Management Intelligence, 1998; Nominated for Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award for Best Paper, 1998]

Christensen, E. W. & Bailey, J. R. (1997). A source accessibility effect on media selection. Management Communications Quarterly, 10, 373-387.

Bailey, J. R. (1996). Theater and the laboratory enterprise. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 11, 793-804.

Bailey, J. R. & Eastman, W. N. (1996). Tensions between science and service in organizational scholarship. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 32, 350-355.

Bailey, J. R. & Ford, C. M. (1996). Management as science versus management as practice in post-graduate business education. Business Strategy Review, 7, 7-12.

Eastman, W. N. & Bailey, J. R. (1996). Epistemology, action, and rhetoric: Past and present connections in organizational scholarship. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 32, 455-461.

Kessler, E. H., Ford, C. M., & Bailey, J. R. (1996). Object valence as a moderator of the framing effect on risk preference. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, 30, 241-256. [Abstracted in Economics Alert, March 1997]

Bailey, J. R. (1995). Introducing organizational behavior: Demonstrating relevance, ethics, and science through compliance. Journal of Management Education, 19, 271-274.

Bailey, J. R. (1994). Great individuals and their environments revisited: William James and contemporary leadership theory. Journal of Leadership Studies, 1(4), 28-36.

Bailey, J. R., & Eastman, W. (1994). Positivism and the promise of the social sciences. Theory and Psychology, 4, 505-524. Bailey, J. R., & Ford, C. M. (1994a). Of methods and metaphors: Theater and self-exploration in the laboratory. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 30, 381-396.

Bailey, J. R., & Ford, C. M. (1994b). The mask and the mirror and the meaning of behavior. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 30, 408-414.

Eastman, W. N., & Bailey, J. R. (1994). Examining the origins of management theory: Value divisions in the positivist program. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 30, 313-328.

Yost, J. H., Strube, M. J., & Bailey, J. R. (1992). The construction of the self: An evolutionary view. Current Psychology: Research and Reviews, 11, 110-121.

Gibb, G. D., & Bailey, J. R. (1984). Attitudes toward the equal rights amendment: An objective measurement tool. Psychological Reports, 53, 804-806.

Gibb, G. D., Bailey, J. R., Best, R. H., & Lambirth, T. T. (1983). The measurement of the obsessive-compulsive personality. Educational and Psychological Measurements, 43, 1233-1238. [Reprinted in K. Corcoran & J. Fisher [Eds.] [1985], Measures for clinical practice. New York: Free Press.]

Gibb, G. D., Bailey, J. R., Lambirth, T. T., & Wilson, W. P. (1983). Personality differences between high and low use video game users. Journal of Psychology, 114, 159-165.

Griffith, J. L., Voloschin, P., Gibb, G. D., & Bailey, J. R. (1983). Differences in eye-hand-motor coordination of video game users and non-user. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57, 155-158.


Book Chapters

Bailey, J.R., Ferris, W., Lewicki, R. L. & Whetton, D.A..  (2009).  Design and development: A Narrative of the founding, launch, and early history of Academy of Management Learning & Education.  In C. Wankel & R. DeFillippi (Eds.), Being and becoming a management education scholar (pp. 43-57). Information Age Publishing.

Lewicki, R. L. & Bailey, J. R.  (2009).  The research-teaching nexus: Tensions and opportunities. In S. Armstrong & C. Fukami (Eds.), Handbook of management education, learning and development (pp. 385-402)Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Clegg, S. R. & Bailey, J. R. (2007).  The emergence of organizational science.  In S. R. Clegg & J. R. Bailey (Eds.), International encyclopedia of organization studies (pp. xliii-xlvii)Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Kessler, E. & Bailey, J. R. (2007).  Understanding, applying, and developing organizational and managerial wisdom.  In E. Kessler & J. R. Bailey (Eds.), Handbook of managerial and organizational wisdom (pp. xv-lxxiv).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bailey, J. R.  & Ford, C. M. (2003).  Innovation and evolution: Managing tensions within and between the domains of theory and practice.  In L. Shavinina & R. Sternberg (Eds.), International handbook on innovation (pp. 248-257).  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Bailey, J. R., & Bailey, F. E. (1995).  Creativity through self-appraisal.  In C. M. Ford & D. A. Gioia (Eds.), Creative action in organizations: Ivory-tower visions and real-world voices (pp. 290-296).  Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Bailey, J. R., Strube, M. J., Yost, J. H., & Merbaum, M. (1994).  Proactive self-appraisal in the organization.  In R. H. Kilmann, I. Kilmann & Associates (Eds.), Managing ego energy: The transformation of personal meaning into organizational success (pp. 128-148).  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.  [Best Paper Award from 1992 Program in Corporate Culture]

Strube, M. J., Yost, J. H., & Bailey, J. R. (1993).  William James and contemporary research on the self: The potential influence of pragmatism, reality and truth.  In M. E.  Donnelly (Ed.), Reinterpreting the legacy of William James (pp. 189-208).  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association Press.  [Best Paper Award from 1990 APA Centennial Celebration of William James]


Refereed Proceedings

Bailey, J. R. (1995).  Congruous and incongruous processes in attitude evaluation: Response mode and behavioral intention.  Advances in Consumer Research, 22, 217-221

Bailey, J. R., & Billings, R. S. (1994).  Sequential phases of judgment and the value representation of decision alternatives.  Advances in Consumer Research, 21, 437-441.

Eastman, W. N., & Bailey, J. R. (1994).  Assumptions and values in management science: A history and pedagogical typology.  Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meetings, 54, 169-173 [Best Paper Award, Management Education and Development Division]



Seal, C. R., Sass, M., Avery, C., Geist, R. J., Bailey, J. R., Offerman, L. R., Vasilopoulos, N.,   Pau, M. & Smith, C. (2004).  An empirical examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence and personality factors.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 41, CD.

Seal, C. R., Kayes, D. C., Sass, M., Bailey, J. R., Pau, M., Smith, C. & Offerman, L. R.  (2003).  Effect of emotional intelligence on self managed work teams.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 40, CD.

Bailey, J. R., Sass, M., Swierecz, P. & Seal, C. (2002).  Teaching with and through teams: Student written, instructor facilitated case writing and the Signatory Code.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 39, CD.

Christensen, E. W. & Bailey, J. R. (2000).  Repository choice: An exploration of accessibility, satisfaction, and usefulness.  Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii Conference on Systems Science, 33, 1-10.

Bailey, J. R., Betts, S. C., Greveson, C. W., Santoro, M. & Martin, B.  (1997).  Dispositional explanations for performance review discrepancies.  International Association of Management Proceedings, 15, 169-174. 

Bailey, J. R., Saparito, P., Christensen, E. W., & Hooijberg, R.  (1996) Initiating a community of teachers:  Teaching portfolios as developmental tools for Ph.D. students.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 33, 301-304.

Christensen, E. W., Hooijberg, R., & Bailey, J. R.  (1996).  An experiment in cognitive style: Heterogeneity and group performance.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 33, 70-73.

Martin, B, & Bailey, J. R. (1996).  John Bailey’s dilemma.  Proceedings of the Eastern Casewriters’ Association, 33, 307.  [Case study]

Aven, J. S., & Bailey, J. R. (1994).  Cultural preferences for performance-related feedback: The Japanese concern for failure and the American concern for success.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 31, 231-234.

Bailey, J. R. (1994).  Great individuals and their environments revisited:  William James and contemporary leadership theory.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 31, 98-101

Eastman, W. N., & Bailey, J. R. (1994).  Positivist precursors of early twentieth century management theory: Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 31, 94-97.

Brown, T. E., & Bailey, J. R. (1993).  Forms of organizational exchange: A case for principled organizational favorism.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 30, 219-222.

Christensen, E. W., & Bailey, J. R. (1993a).  Do sources matter in media selection?  National Association of Management Proceedings, 11, 7-12.

Christensen, E. W., & Bailey, J. R. (1993b).  Expanding the media richness model: The effect of source constraints.  Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 30, 41-45.

Bailey, J. R., & Strube, M. J. (1991).  The effects of need for cognition on information acquisition strategies.  Society for Consumer Psychology Proceedings, 4, 231-236.


Other Publications

Bailey, J.R. (ongoing).  Lessons on leadership.

Phillips, M. P, Maye, K. & Bailey, J. R. (in press).  Bad theories.  In Kessler, E. R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Organizational Theory.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bailey, J.R., (2012).  Athletes:  Natural born leaders.  Business Week.  April.

Bailey, J.R., & Leonard, C. (2011).  Adapt to a new pay structure, or pay for it.  Washington Business Journal, November.

Bailey, J. R. (2011).  The leadership crisis in law firms.  Washington Post, Capital Business, March.

Bailey, J. R. (2010).  Why employees fear change.  Harvard Business Review, November.

Bailey, J. R. (2010).  The munificence of misfortune: When bad times make for good conduct.  Washington Post, On Leadership, October.

Bailey, J. R. (2010).  Before the floor: Bringing best leadership practices to congressional offices.  The Hill Newspaper, July.

Bailey, J.R. (2002-2008).  24 editorial essays.  Academy of Management Learning & Education.

Bailey, J. R. & Lewicki, R. J.(2007).  The Scientist and the sage.  BizEd, July-August.

Lewicki, R. J. & Bailey, J. R. (2007).  The research-teaching nexus: Tension & reciprocity.  St. Petersburg, Fl: Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business, International.

Bailey, J. R. & Kayes, D. C. (2006).  Individual learning.  In. N. Nicholson, P. Audia & M. Pillutla (Eds.), Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organisational Behavior.  London, UK: Blackwell Press.

Bailey, J. R. (2001).  Avoiding God on the job.  [Review of Spirit at work].  Leadership Quarterly, 12, 367-368.

Bailey, J. R. (2000).  Skill training in management education.  [Review of Developing managerial skills].  Leadership Quarterly, 11, 419-421.

Bailey, J. R. & Yost, J. H. (2000).  Role theory: Foundations, extensions, and applications.  In E. Borgotta (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology (pp. 2420-2425).  New York: Macmillan.

Bailey, J. R. (1996).  Incredulity converted.  [Review of International review of industrial and organizational psychology, 1995, Vol. 10].  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 94-96

Eastman, W. N. & Bailey, J. R. (1995).  Impossible indeed: The crucible of modern individuality. [Review of Impossible individuality: The making of the modern self].  Theory & Psychology, 5, 597-603

Bailey, J. R. (1990, January).  Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. [Review of Taking risks: The management of uncertainty].  Society for Judgment and Decision Making,12-13.

Bailey, J. R. (1986).  Outcome measurement project; Phase III report.  St. Louis, MO: Assembly for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business, International.


Research in Progress

Bailey, J.R. (in progress).  Lessons on leadership. (a practitioner oriented book)




An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence.  Department of Justice, Justice Leadership Institute, 2010.

Leadership fundamentals.   Department of Justice, Justice Leadership Institute (4 part series), 2009.

Invited/Keynote/Distinguished Addresses

Emotional Intelligence and the CFO.  Chief Financial Officers Leadership Association, Washington, DC, 2015, April.

Leading—or at least trying to–law firms.  American Legal Administrators Association, Perry, MD, 2014, May

Leading strategy in law firms.  American Legal Administrators Association, Perry, MD, 2013, May.

Leading culture through change.  Conoco-Phillips, Austin, TX, 2013 February.

Leading in turbulent times.  Congressional Institute Annual Retreat, Cambridge, MD, 2013, July.

The challenges of managing upward.  Annual Law Firm Marketing Partners Forum, Scottsdale, AZ, 2011, January.

Proposing leadership for the public sector.  Thought Leadership Forum, Washington DC, 2010.

Negotiation skills for life and work.  Boston Legal Administrators Association, Boston, MA, 2010 April.

Before the floor: Bringing leadership best practices to congressional offices.  Congressional Institute Annual Retreat, Cambridge, MD, 2010, March.

Emotional intelligence in the military.  Department of Defense National Security Senior Leaders Program, GWU Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington, DC, 2010, March.

Individual leadership development.  Corporate University Exchange/University of Pennsylvania Global Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2010, March.

Executive leadership in a changing climate.  Department of Defense Human Resources Summit, Tyson’s Corner, VA, 2009, July.

Conflict and collaboration for mutual advantage.  American Society for Association Executives Women in Charge Conference, Washington, DC, 2008, November.

The organic leadership of change.  Brookings Institute for Executive Leadership, Charlottesville, VA, 2008, September.

Evolving culture.  GWSB EMBA Alumni Association Lifelong Learning Event, Washington, DC, 2008, June.

Conflict and collaboration for mutual advantage.  American Society for Association Executives Women in Charge Conference, Washington, DC, 2007, September.

The premise of leadership.  GWU President’s Dinner, Washington, DC, 2007, July.

Riding the change curve.  GWSB EMBA Alumni Association Lifelong Learning Event, Washington, DC, 2007, June.

Emotional intelligence: Fad or foundation?  Department of Defense National Security Senior Leaders Program, GWU Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington, DC, 2007, June.

Keys to developing leaders.  GWU Professor’s Circle, San Francisco, CA, 2007, April.

Evolution and revolution in management education.  Conference on Management and Executive Development Programs, St. Pete Beach, FL, 2006, November.

Leadership: The essential tensions.  GWSB Business Boot Camp, Washington, DC, 2006, June.

Leading Innovation.  GWSB EMBA Alumni Association Lifelong Learning Event, Washington, DC, 2006, June.

Your leadership philosophy.  GWSB EMBA Alumni Association Lifelong Learning Event, Tyson’s Corner, VA, 2005, June.

Managing change in the private and public section.  DC Office of Contracting and Procurement, Washington, DC, 2005, February.

The role of critical management studies in management learning.  MED Division, 64th meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA, 2004, August.

Leadership development and the scholarship of teaching.  Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 2004, June.

Trends in management education.  BMW Corporate Learning Conference, Munich, Germany, 2004, March.

Pedagogical scholarship and pursuit of the professorial mission.  Villanova University, Villanova, PA, 2003, February.

Keys to successful negotiations.  The American College of Greece and the Pancyprian Alumni Association, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2002, November.

The new workplace: Technology and life in organizations.  SAS Institute, Annapolis, MD, 2001, August.

The art and science of negotiation.  The Business Center, Adelaide, Australia, 2001, June.

A fundamental moment: Changes in the nature of work, organizations and management.  Distinguished Public Scholar Lecture Series, Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland, 2000, October.

Research streams.  Management Science Department, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1998, April.

Underlying assumptions in organizational theory: Facts vs. values.  Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1997, March.

The self-evaluation of abilities:  Individual differences in the search for competencies, London Business School, London, UK, 1996, March.

Judgment and choice: Refining the distinction and expanding the purview.  Program in I/O Psychology, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 1991, March.

William James and the 20th century self.  Division 1 at the 98th meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, 1990, August.

Personality and video-games: A state-of-the-art review.  Creighton University, Omaha, NE, 1983, April.



Lewicki, R. L. & Bailey, J. R. (2007, August). Scholarly outlets and scholarly Identity: A Narrative of the founding of the Academy of Management Learning & Education. Presented at the 67th meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.

Raelin, J. & Bailey, J. R.(2007, August).  A structure for Terror Management and its relevance to resistance to change.  Presented at the 67th meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.

Seal, C. R., Sass, M., Avery, C., Geist, R. J., Bailey, J. R., Offerman, L. R., Vasilopoulos, N.,   Pau, M. & Smith, C. (2004, May).  An empirical examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence and personality factors.  Presented at the 41st meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Providence, RI.

Seal, C. R., Kayes, D. C., Sass, M., Bailey, J. R., Pau, M., Smith, C. & Offerman, L. R.  (2003, May).  Effect of emotional intelligence on self managed work teams.  Presented at the 40th meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Baltimore, MD.]

Pau, M. H., Offerman, L. R., Smith, C. M., Sass, M. Seal, C. R. & Bailey, J. R. (2003, April).  Self-monitoring and leadership in culturally heterogeneous and homogeneous teams.  Presented at the 18th meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.

Bailey, J. R., Sass, M., Swierecz, P. & Seal, C. (2002, May).  Teaching with and through teams: Student written, instructor facilitated case writing and the Signatory Code.  Presented at the 39th meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, New Haven, CT.

Bailey, J. R. & Ford, C. M.  (2001, August).  Philosophical ties that bind practice: The case of creativity.  Presented at the 61st meeting of the Academy of Management, Washington, DC.

Christensen, E. W. & Bailey, J. R. (2000, January).  Repository choice: An exploration of accessibility, satisfaction and usefulness.  Presented at the 33rd meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, HI.

Kressel, K., Forman, S., Bailey, J. R. & Whicker, M.  (1998, January).  Helping academic departments engage in instructional change.  Presented at the meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Orlando, FL.

Christensen, E.  W. & Bailey, J. R.  (1997, October).  On the effectiveness of “surfing” for business information: The case of the Fortune 500.  Presented at the 17th meeting of the International Strategic Management Society, Barcelona, Spain.

Bailey, J. R., Betts, S. C., Greveson, C. W., Santoro, M. & Martin, B.  (1997, August).  Dispositional explanations for performance review discrepancies.  Presented at the 15th meeting of the International Association of Management, Montreal, CA.

Bailey, J. R. & Ford, C. M.  (1997, January).  Science vs. practice in graduate business education.  Presented at the 4th meeting of the International Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Hong Kong.

Bailey, J. R., Saparito, P., Christensen, E. W., & Hooijberg, R.  (1996, May).  Initiating a community of teachers:  Teaching portfolios as developmental tools for Ph.D. students.  Presented at the 33rd meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Crystal City, VA.

Christensen, E. W., Hooijberg, R., & Bailey, J. R.  (1996, May).  An experiment in cognitive style: Heterogeneity and group performance.  Presented at the 33rd meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Crystal City, VA.

Martin, B, & Bailey, J. R. (1996, May).  John Bailey’s dilemma.  Presented at the 33rd meeting of the Eastern Casewriters’ Association, Crystal City, VA.   

Bailey, J. R. (1995, August).  Need for cognition and response mode in the active construction of an information domain.  Presented at the 55th meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.

Bailey, J. R., McCrea, E., Dou, S-G, & Yost, J. H. (1995, August).  The self-concept and performance-related feedback in Japan, China, and the U.S..  Presented at the 55th meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.

Weisenfeld, B. N., Brockner, J., Martin, C., Petzell, B., Wolf, R. & Bailey, J. R. (1995, August).  A self-affirmation model of reactions to organizational change.  Presented at the 55th meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.

Yost, J. H., Bailey, J. R., & Brock, T. C. (1995, August).  Cognitive tuning and rumor transmission.  Presented at the 6th meeting of the American Psychological Society, New York, NY.

Bailey, J. R. (1994, October).  Congruous and incongruous processes in attitude evaluation: Response mode and behavioral intention.  Presented at the 22nd meeting of the Association for Consumer Research, Boston, MA.

Eastman, W. N., & Bailey, J. R. (1994, August).  Assumptions and values in management science: A history and pedagogical typology.  Presented at the 54th meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, TX.

Weisenfeld, B., Petzell, B., Wolf, R. & Bailey, J. R. (1994, August).  A self-affirmation model of reactions to downsizing.  Presented at the 54th meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, TX.

Aven, J. S., & Bailey, J. R. (1994, May).  Cultural preferences for performance-related feedback: The Japanese concern for failure and the American concern for success.  Presented at the 31st meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Albany, NY.

Bailey, J. R. (1994, May). Great individuals and their environments revisited:  William James and contemporary leadership theory.  Presented at the 31st meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Albany, NY.

Eastman, W. N., & Bailey, J. R. (1994, May).  Positivist precursors of early twentieth century management theory: Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill.  Presented at the 31st meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Albany, NY.

Bailey, J. R., & Billings, R. S. (1993, October).  Sequential phases of judgment and the value representation of product alternatives.  Presented at the 21st meeting of the Association for Consumer Research, Nashville, TN.

Christensen, E. W., & Bailey, J. R. (1993, August).  Do sources matter in media selection?  Presented at the 11th meeting of the Association of Management, Atlanta, GA.

Kessler, E. H., Ford, C. M., & Bailey, J. R. (1993, August).  Frame-based versus value-based explanations of risk preference.  Presented at the 53rd meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.

Bailey, J. R., & Eastman, W. N. (1993, June).  Promise and dilemma in the social sciences.  Presented at 25th meeting of CHEIRON: The International Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Durham, NH.

Brown, T. E., & Bailey, J. R. (1993, May).  Forms of organizational exchange: A case for principled organizational favorism.  Presented at the 30th meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Providence, RI.

Christensen, E. W., & Bailey, J. R. (1993, May).  Expanding the media richness model: The effect of source constraints.  Presented at the 30th meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Providence, RI.

Bailey, J. R., Strube, M. J., Yost, J. H., & Merbaum, M. (1992, October).  Proactive self-appraisal in the organization.  Presented at the meeting of the Program in Corporate Culture, Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh.

Yost, J. H., Strube, M. J., & Bailey, J. R. (1992, August).  Self-esteem and social facilitation:  A field study on the court.  Presented at the 4th meeting of the American Psychological Society, San Diego, CA.

Bailey, J. R., Strube, M. J., Weinschel, L., Kaminsky, M., & Nusblatt, L. (1991, August).  The effects of need for cognition on information acquisition strategies.  Presented at the 99th meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Bailey, J. R., Strube, M. J.,  & Yost, J. H. (1990, August).  Positivism and the promise of the social sciences.  Presented at the 98th meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Yost, J. H., Strube, M. J., & Bailey, J. R. (1990, August).  An evolutionary view of self-construction.  Presented at the 98th meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Bailey, J. R., Strube, M. J., & Billings, R. S. (1989, August).  The effects of response mode on the organization of memory.   Presented at the 97th meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Strube, M. J., Smith, D. S., & Bailey, J. R. (1989, August).  Performance effects of certainty, success, and self-appraisal motivation.  Presented at the 97th meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Bailey, J. R., & Strube, M. J. (1988a, August).  Response mode and personal relevance as moderators of attitude-behavior relations.  Presented at the 96th meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.  [Abstracted in Resources in Education, June, 1989, ED298110.]

Bailey, J. R., & Strube, M. J. (1988b, August).  The effect of response mode and task condition on attitude change.  Presented at the 96th meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.  [Abstracted in Resources in Education, June, 1989, ED298145.]

Strube, M. J., White, A., Shimbukaro, J, & Bailey, J. R. (1988, August).  The development of a questionnaire for assessing self-appraisal motivation.  Presented at the 96th meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.

Bailey, J. R., & Shulman, A. D. (1987, August).  The effects of response mode and personal relevance on information search strategies.  Presented at the 95th meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.  [Abstracted in Resources in Education, June, 1988, ED290110.]

Bailey, J. R., & Gibb, G. D. (1983, October).  Video Games:  A social dilemma or friend?  Presented at the 3rd meeting of the American Popular Culture Association, Bowling Green, OH.

Bailey, J. R., & Gibb, G. D. (1983, April).  Continued investigation of the obsessive-compulsive personality.  Presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.  [Abstracted in Resources in Education, June, 1984, ED239162.]

ACADEMIC JOURNAL CITATIONS (Partial list; approximately 1000 citations via Google Scholar)

Academy of Management Learning and Education, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Accounting, Organizations & Society, Administrative Science Quarterly, Asia Pacific Business Review, British Journal of Management, Business Communication Quarterly, Employee Relations, Handbook of Social Psychology, Human Relations, IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, International Handbook of Innovation, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Management Communication Quarterly,  Management Learning, Organization, Organization Science, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Personnel Psychology, Social Text, Strategic Change 



Research Grant, GWU School of Business and Public Management Dean’s Fund ($5,000), Matching teaching strategies with learning objectives, 2001. [Principal Investigator]

Development Grant, General Electric Fund ($422,000), Learning excellence project, 1996-1999.  [Co-Investigator; established teaching fellows program at the Faculty of Management]

Research Grant, Rutgers University Research Resources Committee ($1,000), Explaining performance review discrepancies, 1997.  [Principal Investigator]

Training Grant, Lucent Technologies ($56,000), Strategic assessment of training units, 1996.  [Co-Principal Investigator

Research Grant, Rutgers University Research Resources Committee ($2,400), Reactions to Organizational Change, 1995.   [Principal Investigator]



Editorial Appointments

            Editor, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2004-2008

[Responsible for all facets of journal, including administrative oversight of manuscript review and production processes.  Hired and supervised Managing Editor, appointed and worked with associate editors and editorial board.  Implemented electronic reviewing and filing procedures.   Served on AoM Journals Committee and attended Board of Governors meetings.  AMLE has a 2.796 Impact Factor, ranking 7th among all management journals and 2nd among all education journals by ISI-Thompson in concluding year.]
            Associate Editor, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2000-2004

[Founding editorial team member involved in all start-up and launch facets, including forming mission, naming editorial board, establishing operational procedures, designing journal sections, building reviewer base, publicity, relations with Academy of Management and various divisions, etcetera; served as Decision Editor and Section Editor for Exemplary Contributions]

Editorial Board, Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2008-present;

International Editorial Board, Management Learning, 2005-present;

Board of Reviewers, Journal of Management Education, 2005-2010;

Consulting Editor, International Journal of Managerial Reviews, 2005-present;

Editorial Board, Leadership Quarterly, 2001-2004;

Consulting Editor, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1996-2005;

Assessing Editor, Journal of Mind and Behavior, 1994-2004


Panelist, When knowledge wins: Evaluating scholarly quality in management research, 69th meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, 2009 August.

Panelist, How to publish teaching-related research, 68th meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, 2008 August.

Panelist, Does where you sit define where you stand?  How institutional settings affect research questions, 68th meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, 2008 August.

Panelist, Scholarship of Teaching, Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Babson College, 2008 June.

Panelist, On being and becoming a scholar, 67th meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, 2007 August.  [Best Symposium Award]

Chair & Organizer, Organizational and Managerial Wisdom, 66th meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, 2006 August [Showcase Symposium]

Chair & Organizer, Crisis and Challenge in Management Education, 43nd meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Saratoga Springs, NY, 2006 May. [Keynote Event]

Moderator, Perils and Possibilities for Publishing the Scholarship of Teaching, Learning & Education, 65th meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005 August.

Panelist, The Craft of Teaching, 65th meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005 August.

Panelists, Publishing SIM Research, 65th meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005 August.

Chair & Organizer, Ethics at a Crossroads, 42nd meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Springfield, MA, 2005 May. [Keynote Event]

Panelist, The AACSB, the Academy and Management Education: Opportunities and Challenges of Creating Actionable Knowledge, 64th meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA, 2004 August. [All Academy Symposium]

Panelist, Surviving and Thriving at Small Schools, 64th meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA, 2004 August.

Panelist, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: From Theory to Practice and Back, 64th meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA, 2004 August.

Chair & Organizer, Wisdom and Management.  41st meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Providence, RI, 2004 May.  [Keynote Event]

Discussant, Alternative Research Methods.  63rd meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA, 2003 August.

Panelist, Journal Editors Panel, Eastern Academy of Management (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008), Academy of Management (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008).


National Committees/Offices

Academy of Management, Board of Governors (Journals Representative), 2007-2008

Academy of Management Teaching Committee, 1999-2001



Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Review, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, Group & Organization Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Theory & Psychology, Oak Ridge Associated Universities Scholarship application, Irwin Press Business Textbook Division, Houghton-Mifflin College Division, Academy of Management Conference (MOC & OMT divisions), Eastern Academy of Management Conference (OB division), Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada



Academy of Management, American Psychological Association, Eastern Academy of Management


Board of Directors, Center for Social Leadership, 2012-present;

Board of Directors, Universal Strategic Consulting Services;

Advisory Board, University of the Pacific’s Center for Emotional and Social Competency, 2009-2011;

Academic Advisory Board, FINTRA (Finnish Training and Research Fund), 2003-2006;

Academic Advisory and Program Board, United States Open University, 2001-2002;

Curriculum Planning Committee, Graduate School of the United States Department of Agriculture, 2000;

Coordinator and Chair of Student Panel on the USA in 2015, Brookings Institute, SITRA & Finnish Embassy International Strategic Planning Conference, Washington, DC, September 2000, March 2001



Executive Education

Director, 2011-2013

Primary architect of fully revised curriculum launched in August 2011. Coordinated marketing, recruiting, and admissions with 5 staff. Responsible for all elements of program design and delivery. Reported directly GWSB Dean. Annual revenues of $2,000,000-$3,000,000. Programs included the World EMBA, STAR EMBA, Women on the Board, and customized programs.

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs.

Anticipated revenues of $3,000,000-$5,000,000 on expenses of $1,5000,000-$2,500,000.


Department of Management

Chair, 2008-2011

Managed department with 12 tenured/tenure-track faculty, 5 adjunct faculty, 5 staff members, and 3 operational offices (Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence, International Council of Small Business, and the Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning).  Department housed and educated a group of 10 doctoral students, and serviced many core and elective courses across Bachelor and Master degree programs. Launched undergraduate concentrations in Management and in Entrepreneurship.  Created revenue generating customized certificate programs.  Budget approximately $2,000,000.


Executive Education

Director, 2006-2008

Founded customized and open-enrollment executive development body, responsible for launch, strategy and operations.  Hired and managed Associate Director and Doctoral Fellow.  Created contractual relations with relevant consulting bodies and several joint ventures and strategic alliances with non-university based educational entities.  Exceeded 40% margins for first two years of operation. 


MBA Programs

MBA Advisory Committee, 2012-present;

Chair, EMBA Executive Committee, 2010-2011;

Chair, MBA Advisory Committee, 1999-2003;

Lead Professor, MBAD 205 Human Dynamics in Organizations, 1999-2003;

Faculty Coordinator, Korean Twin MBA Program, 1999-2000

Faculty Committees

Ave Tucker Endowed Professor in Leadership Search Committee, 2014-present;

Executive Doctorate of Business Administration Task Force, 2014-present;

Department of Management Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, Department of Management Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, 1999-present;

Department of Management Search Committee, 2011-present;

GW Budget Committee, 2009-2011;

Chair, GWSB Governance Task Force, 2007-2009;

College of Professional Studies Dean Search Committee, 2007-2008;

Chair, Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2004-2008;

Dean’s Council, 2006-present; Entrepreneurship Search Committee, 2006-2007;

HRM Search Committee, 2005-2006;

Linder-Gambal Professorship in Ethics Search Committee, 2004-2005;

Organizational Behavior Search Committee, 2001-2002, 2003-2004;

Teaching Excellence Task Force, 2001-2003;

School of Education and Human Resource Development Faculty Search Committee, 1999-2000;

BBA Core Faculty Committee, 1999-2003;

Management Science Retreat Planning Committee, 2000;

President’s Millennium Planning Committee, 1999-2000

Student Advisement

Ph.D. Field: R. Ragani, L. Hagman, G. Hrivnak, M. Sass, C. Seal, R. Holmes, J. Raelin, M. Moody, N. McGarry, D. Bridge, A. Bernstein, M. Knott, V. Yang

MBA/BBA Field: A. Becker; K. Nakai; M. Paul, K. Hart

BBA Internship/Research: D. Schumer, A. Stilwell, K. Hart, K. Powers, T. Tiomkin, R. Geist, C. Avery

Faculty Advisor: MBA Student Government Association, 1999-2003; Campus Republicans National Committee, 2002-2004

Doctoral Thesis Committees

Yang, V. (2012).  Entrepreneurial Leadership and the Experience of Failure.  (School of Business).

Scuderi, N. (2010).  Servant and Transformational Leadership in Church Organizations. (CCAS)

Hrivinik, G. (2009).  Leader-Member Exchange and Personality.  (School of Business)

Knott, M. (2009).  Individual Team Member Self-Perception of Team Learning Beliefs and Behaviors: Developing a Measure and Testing a Model.  (School of Business)

Bridge, D. (2008).  Workplace litigation and organizational response: Does it matter to applicants?  (School of Business)

Arvisais, M. (2008).  Narcissism as a trait of full-range leadership: A historiometric investigation of corporate executives.  (School of Business).

Holmes, R. (2008).  Race and socio-economic status as predictors of emotional intelligence.  (School of Business, Chair).

Raelin, J. (2007).  Affect as a moderator of resistance to change.  (School of Business, Chair)

Flatter, J. R. (2007).  A program framework examination of the formal roles of internal organizational leaders within public sector leadership development.  (School of Public Policy and Public Administration)

Moody, M.  (2007).  1Adaptive behavior in intercultural environments: The relationship between cultural intelligence factors and big five personality traits.  (School of Business, Chair).

Sass, M. (2006).  Perceived power as a mediator of collaborative and competitive negotiations.  (School of Business; Chair).

Seal, C. R. (2006).  Development and performance: A longitudinal examination of emotional competencies.  (School of Business, Chair).

Moon, T-W. (2004). Culture and emotional intelligence.  (School of Engineering and Applied Science)

Cullather, K. (2003).  Reaching consensus through the multistakerholder dialogue: Its objective, processes and outcomes.  (School of Business).

LaPolice, C. (2002).  Leader behavior, employee attitudes and internal organizational change climate.  (Psychology Department.

Brubaker, T. (2000).  How do they do it?  Value congruence as a means of maximizing charismatic leader effectiveness.  (Psychology Department).


School of Management

Associate Dean, 1997-1999

Responsible for all academic programs and operations related to the Newark undergraduate unit, including curricular development and delivery, student recruitment and advisement, fundraising; supervise five staff members; manage and allocate $400,000 budget

Dean’s Leadership Council; Dean’s Cabinet; Chair, AACSB Student, Mission and Undergraduate Programs Committees


Teaching Excellence Center

Associate Director, 1994-1996

Responsible for consultation with academic units; recruit and supervise Intern staff; administer Grants Program; coordinate Workshop Series; design and implement programs

Editor, The Teaching Scholar–the publication of Rutgers’ TEC; Faculty Advisory Board, 1993-1994 

Graduate Program in Conflict Management

Participating Faculty, 1996-1999

Co-Founder and Associate Director, 1994-1996

Responsible for cross-school coordination, curriculum design, program staffing and funding

Co-Program Director, Second Annual New Jersey Conflict Management Conference, Newark,

NJ, June 1996; Co-Program Director, First Annual New Jersey Conflict Management Conference, Newark, NJ, June 1995; Curriculum Grant, Teaching Excellence Center($2,500), Feasibility study on establishing interdisciplinary program in conflict management, 1993; Curriculum Grant, Teaching Excellence Center ($3,750), Development of a course for MBA and Ph.D. programs on bargaining and negotiation, 1993.


Pedagogical Design and Development

MBA Curriculum Task Force, 1993-1996; Teaching Effectiveness & Evaluation Committee, 1991-1999; Coordinator, Human Resource Management Concentration, 1994-1997; Curriculum Grant, Office of Undergraduate Education ($5,000), Teaching Portfolio training for Ph.D. in Management Teaching Assistants, 1995.


Student Advisement

Coach, Black MBA Association National Case Competition Team, 1994, 1995; Faculty Advisor, Sigma Iota Epsilon-Academy of Management Honor Society, 1993-1997; Faculty Advisor, Society of Human Resource Management, 1993-1997; Co-Program Director, Second Annual Student Conference of the Society of Human Resource Management.  New Brunswick, NJ, April 1997; Co-Program Director, First Annual Student Conference of the Society of Human Resource

        Management.  Teaneck, NJ, December 1994.


Faculty Committees

MBA Core Committee, 1997-1998;

Human Resource Management Recruiting Committee, 1997-1998;

Junior Faculty Development Committee, 1996-1997;

Admissions and Scholarship Committee, College of Arts & Science, 1996-1998;

Human Resource Management Recruiting Committee, 1995-1996;

MBA Admissions Committee, 1995-1996; MBA Policy Committee, 1991-1994;

Chair, Organizational Behavior Recruiting Committee, 1992-1993;

Coordinator, Organization Management Colloquium Series, 1993;

Research Resources Committee, 1992-1993


Doctoral Thesis Committees

Edward Christensen, (1997).  The effectiveness and accessibility of the library versus the internet for strategic business information acquisition.  (Chair)

Cesar Perez-Alverez, (1996).  Coordination and group support systems: Process gains and losses.

Rosalie Ockar, (1995).  Requirements definition using distributed asynchronous group support systems: Experimental results on quality, creativity, and satisfaction.




George Washington University

Current Topics in Management (Ph.D.);

Perspectives on Leadership (MBA);

Managerial Negotiations (BBA);

Law Firm Leadership (CPS);

Negotiation Strategies (EMBA);

Executive Leadership Development (EMBA);

Human Dynamics in Organizations (MBA & Korean Twin MBA);

Individual & Group Dynamics (MBA & MS);

Conflict Management & Negotiations (MBA & MS);

Organizational Behavior (BBA);

Independent Study Supervision (10 Ph.D., 6 MBA, and 4 BS projects) 


Rutgers University

Administrative Analysis (Singapore & Beijing EMBA);

Managing Individuals for High Performance (MBA);

Making Teams Work (MBA);

Negotiation and Mediation (MBA)

Strategic Management Simulation (MBA);

Case Analysis Competition (MBA);

Organizational Behavior (MBA & BS);

Seminar on Individual Processes in Organizations (Ph.D.);

Management Fundamentals (BS);

Independent Study Supervision (9 Ph.D., 10 MBA, and 5 BS projects; 2 BS Honors Theses)


Washington University (BA program)

Social Psychology;

History and Systems of Psychology;

Research Design and Laboratory Methods;



Goldman Saks, NY; Phillips 66, Houston, TX; Christian Dior; NY, Fendi, NY; ConocoPhillips, Houston, TX; Booz-Allen-Hamilton, Washington, DC; US Congressman Michael Burgess, Washington, DC; US Congressman Lamar Smith, Washington, DC; UBS, Zurich, Switzerland; Caprock Government Solutions, Falls Church, VA; Nestle International, Vevey, Switzerland; Morgan Stanley, London, UK; SAS Institute, Cary, NC; Business Center, Adelaide, Australia; Bank of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia; Singapore College of Insurance, Singapore; Baltimore Gas & Electric, Baltimore, MD; Lucent Technologies, Piscataway, NJ; Nokia, Inc., Helsinki, Finland; ENSO Inc., Helsinki, Finland; Bank of Finland, Helsinki, Finland; Andersen Consulting Co., Morristown, NJ; Bell Atlantic Co., Baltimore, MD Asea Brown Boveri Inc., North Brunswick, NJ; Parthmark Supermarkets, Trenton, NJ; Shoprite/Wakefern, Rariton, NJ



Washington Post, (April 2012); Washington Post (March 2012); Washington Business Journal, (July 2011); Roll Call—The Congressional Newspaper (June 2011); The Federal Times (September 2010); The Hill Newspaper (July 2010); Washington Business Journal (August 2010); (March 2010); Washington Post (November 2009); (October 2009); Fox News Channel (July 2009); Wall Street Journal (May 2009); SNL Financial (July 2008); Rural Telecommunications (April 2008); National Public Radio (March 2007); Washington Business Journal (March 2007); Baltimore Sun (March 2007); Chronicle of Higher Education (September 2006); Business 2.0 (April 2005); Congressional Quarterly, (March 2005); Fox News Channel (February 2005); GWBusiness (Spring 2005); BBC Radio “World Business Report” (January 2005); Psychology Today (August 2004); Forbes (September 2003); GWBusiness (Fall 2002); WRGW Radio (August 2002); Business 2.0 (July 2002); Profile (December 2001); Newark Star-Ledger (June 1998); Newark Star-Ledger (February 1998); Internet Magazine (November 1997); Today’s Careers: The Employment Paper (September 1997); Fortune (September 1996); The Home News and Tribune–Business Section (April 1996); Courier News (April 1996); New Jersey Network Television News  (April 1996); The Denise Richardson Show–Newstalk TV (July & May 1995); Kaupphelliti–The Finnish Business Daily (August 1994)



Born 14 January, 1963; Raised in Galesburg, IL; one son; Avocations include history, politics, literature, chess, gastronomy, exercise; Member of the William Greenleaf Elliot Society, Who’s Who among American Art Collectors





Dr. Jeffrey Pfeffer
Graduate School of Business
Stanford University
350 Memorial Way
Stanford, CA 94305-5015

Dr. Jay Conger
London Business School
Regents Park
London NW1 4SA, UK

Dr. Stewart Clegg
Faculty of Business
University of Technology-Sydney
P.O. Box 123 Broadway
Sydney, NSW, Australia 2007

Dr. Richard Boyatzis
Weatherhead School of Management
Case Western Reserve University
2077 Kent Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44106-3338

Dr. Roy Lewicki
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH 43210

Dr. Walter Nord
Department of Management
College of Business
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL 33620-5500

Dr. Michael Useem
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
2103 SH-DH/6370
Philadelphia, PA 19081-1397

Dr. Robert Hooijberg
Institute for Management Development
Chemin de Bellerive 23, P.O. Box 915
CH-1001 LausanneSwitzerland
+41 21 618 0172